April is upon us and with such, the month of NanoWrimo has begun! This month (though not as grueling as November) can still be difficult to get through, especially if you are not prepared. With everything that is going on in the world right now, it could be easy to assume that you’ll have no problem hitting that word count. I mean, you’re just stuck at home, right?
Well, that’s not quite so, is it?
Being at home on a regular basis could actually do more to hinder your productivity than increase it. There are constant distractions, family members that need attention and Netflix shows that require binging. Plus, the current situation in the world might just simply have your mind spinning, making writing the last thing on your agenda.
So how do we get through NanoWrimo successfully and without sacrificing our mental health in the process?
I have 3 main tips on how I keep myself motivated to hit those word counts and keep going. There are, of course, a lot more you can do to get through NanoWrimo with ease but you have to start somewhere!
Abandon the schedule! Seems counterintuitive, no? But trust me, setting a tight schedule for yourself can only damage your success. If you have a set word count and don’t hit it, you feel guilty and guilt only leads to depression which is the opposite of encouraging. Instead, I suggest you aim for the words you know you want to hit but give yourself a few days in the week to catch up. If you are the type of person that needs rigid goals to be set, then set them for the week and not for the day. That way, you will always have some leeway in your word counts.
Update the NanoWrimo tracker like your life depends on it. Those little badges you receive for writing daily can be a very inspiring force and will make you strive to do better. I don’t know about you, but pats on the back definitely get me going! So much so, that I end up writing even after I hit my “goal”. There’s another hidden tip there for you: don’t stop writing just because you reached a certain word count because you never know when you’ll need to catch up later that week.
Designate a writing spot in the house that is just yours. Shut the doors, close the windows, deadbolt the entrance if you need to, but get yourself out of the mess of life. External sounds can be distracting and you don’t want anything to get in your way. Your mind has to be clear for however long you’re writing and that can’t happen if you’re constantly looking around or listening to kids yell in the background. Think of your writing space as a meditation room and shut the world away while you work.
I find that by following these simple tips, I’m able to not only win NanoWrimo but I actually enjoy the process so much more! There’s nothing better than looking at a finished manuscript and saying “I did this!” and I hope that these tips can help you get there. And if you don’t win the month, don’t stress. There is always another NanoWrimo around the corner and even if there isn’t, make one for yourself. Who says you need a schedule to keep you going? You’re a writer, all you need to do is write.
Stay magical,