writing tips

How to Successfully Get Through NanoWrimo Month

How to Successfully Get Through NanoWrimo Month

April is upon us and with such, the month of NanoWrimo has begun! This month (though not as grueling as November) can still be difficult to get through, especially if you are not prepared. With everything that is going on in the world right now, it could be easy to assume that you’ll have no problem hitting that word count. I mean, you’re just stuck at home, right?

Well, that’s not quite so, is it?

Being at home on a regular basis could actually do more to hinder your productivity than increase it. There are constant distractions, family members that need attention and Netflix shows that require binging. Plus, the current situation in the world might just simply have your mind spinning, making writing the last thing on your agenda.

Escape From the City: Social Distancing Vacation

Escape From the City: Social Distancing Vacation

With everything that is going on in the world right now, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to stay creative and productive while being cooped up at home. Prior to the pandemic, we had planned on vacationing in Miami but of course with how things turned out, the trip was cancelled. Instead of falling into a pit of melancholy, we decided to use the social distancing to our advantage and completely remove ourselves from society for a week. We rented a small chalet in the middle of nowhere about 40 minutes from Quebec City and I eagerly packed bags to get out of Toronto.

The Only 3 Things You Need to Do to Stay Productive

 The Only 3 Things You Need to Do to Stay Productive

Something about the winter months makes my productivity level sink like hit pirate ship. I find myself wasting more time, sulking and doing a general lot of nothing when I could be writing. As a rule, I have held myself accountable to be a fairly productive person; I have a ton of planners, I enjoy organizing my time, and I genuinely enjoy working. But even the most work-driven person can lag on their productivity and if you have the type of job that requires you to set your own schedule, it’s much easier to fall into the trap of not getting things done.

My Writing Rituals

My Writing Rituals

As much as I love what I do, I’m the first one to admit that writing can be hard! Sometimes, all you want to do is binge shows and eat garbage food. On the days when I am less than fully motivated to hit the laptop and get some words down, I have a few rituals and routines that I follow to get me in the mood to write.

After all, sitting down to write is almost like a date with myself. A very labor inducing date but a date nonetheless.

Simple and Easy Morning Routine for Writers

Simple and Easy Morning Routine for Writers

No matter what I try, I am simply not a morning person. I watch YouTube videos about people who can wake up at 5am to make time for meditation and superfood smoothies and I am baffled by their commitment. I probably wouldn’t be able to wake up that early if my house was on fire.

With that in mind, I am always looking for a way to make my morning routine fast and easy but also special enough that I feel like I have a reason to wake up. Being an author, I find I need to get up on the right foot if I’m going to be productive during the day. There is nothing worse than a bad morning that ruins your creativity for the day!

Seven Inspirational Quotes for Writing

Seven Inspirational Quotes for Writing

Whenever I find myself in a writing slump, I scour for inspiration. Whether from a book or a Pinterest board, I find that leveraging the works of other creatives helps me get reignited and for my mind to get refocused. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite quotes from other authors that raise me up when I’m not ready to face the day.

Read on to find some apt quotes to help you get that motivation up to par!

5 Writing Prompts: Escape From Writer's Block

5 Writing Prompts: Escape From Writer's Block

There is nothing worse than having a brilliant idea for a novel or story, thinking about it for days then finally making time to sit write and… Crickets. Though I am a very dedicated plotter, I still feel my mind bogged down and blocked from time to time. Life just simply gets in the way. My mind rustles and fills with my to do lists, dinner ideas, and the occasional stream of YouTube cat videos.

Top 5 Podcasts for Writers

Top 5 Podcasts for Writers

If you spend most of your day in transit like me, you probably have a lot of time on your hands waiting around in traffic. I used to listen to music while I commute but in the last few years I have taken a liking to plugging into some good podcasts. With so many options out there, the list of what you can listen to is essentially limitless and the growth of podcasts geared to writers is greatly increasing.

Book Cover Inspiration

Book Cover Inspiration

When I began indie publishing, my biggest struggle was getting book covers that not only spoke to the reader and the genre of the books but ones that I personally could be proud of. Having come from a design background, I chose to design my own covers and to this day, it was one of the most difficult tasks I’ve ever had to do!

Not only could I not make a decision but when I did finalize some ideas, I found myself looking for flaws in other parts of the visuals. It was excruciating!

Save the Cat Plotting: Is it Worth it?

Save the Cat Plotting: Is it Worth it?

I’ve been seeing the Save the Cat plotting technique all over social media lately and, being the nosy creature that I am, had to jump on the band wagon! Since I already had a beat structure in place for The Enuma Legacies, I decided to test out the system on the new series I’m working on.

So what did I think of it?



For this post, I thought I would share a quick tease of an upcoming new series that I am scheduled to release early 2020. I am very eager to start working on the first novel in this new world and have been collecting inspirational images for quite some time now.