writers block

Seven Inspirational Quotes for Writing

Seven Inspirational Quotes for Writing

Whenever I find myself in a writing slump, I scour for inspiration. Whether from a book or a Pinterest board, I find that leveraging the works of other creatives helps me get reignited and for my mind to get refocused. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite quotes from other authors that raise me up when I’m not ready to face the day.

Read on to find some apt quotes to help you get that motivation up to par!

5 Writing Prompts: Escape From Writer's Block

5 Writing Prompts: Escape From Writer's Block

There is nothing worse than having a brilliant idea for a novel or story, thinking about it for days then finally making time to sit write and… Crickets. Though I am a very dedicated plotter, I still feel my mind bogged down and blocked from time to time. Life just simply gets in the way. My mind rustles and fills with my to do lists, dinner ideas, and the occasional stream of YouTube cat videos.