Top 5 Podcasts for Writers

If you spend most of your day in transit like me, you probably have a lot of time on your hands waiting around in traffic. I used to listen to music while I commute but in the last few years I have taken a liking to plugging into some good podcasts. With so many options out there, the list of what you can listen to is essentially limitless and the growth of podcasts geared to writers is greatly increasing.

Currently on my show list, I have about thirty different podcasts on rotation (as well as audiobooks for some variety) but I find there are a few shows that I tend to gravitate to the most and await eagerly for new episodes.

Without further ado, here is my top five list of podcasts for writers that will leave you inspired and ready to create!

  • First Draft with Sarah Enni. I love Sarah’s choice of guests and the topics she chooses to cover with them.

About the podcast:

Join host Sarah Enni every Tuesday for honest, meaningful conversations with storytellers about their unique perspectives on the creative process, and to provide more transparency about the professional side of artistic endeavors.

Since 2014, First Draft has featured interviews with dozens of New York Times best-selling writers, as well as Emmy and Peabody-winning writers, and winners of the Caldecott Award, the William C. Morris Young Adult Debut award, the Michael El. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature, and the National Book Award for Young People's Literature.

  • DIY MFA with Gabriela Pereira. A good mix of new authors as well as veterans. The interviews are knowledgeable and detailed and are really fun to listen to!

About the podcast:

The beauty of DIY MFA is that while it covers most of what you’d get in a traditional MFA, you get to decide how to structure your writing, reading and community so you can reach your goals.  Want to write thrillers? Good news! You don’t have to spend hours studying eighteenth century parlor-room novels (unless you want to, of course). You read the books you want to read, books that will serve your writing.  When it comes to community, you connect with other thriller-writers. No one’s going to force you to go to a poetry reading or a romance writer’s conference.  Of course, branching out beyond your chosen genre will always enhance your writing and can open your mind to new ideas, but you choose how you invest your time in a way that serves your goals.

Balancing the three aspects of DIY MFA can be overwhelming, but if you make a plan it’s easy to stay on track. The best way to keep track of your writing, reading and community is to draw out a pie chart. Each slice on the pie represents how much time you spend on the three parts of DIY MFA. Depending on what projects you have on your plate, your pie may emphasize one area more than another. I find that the best balance for me looks like this:

Of course, sometimes you have to adjust your DIY MFA plan to fit with other things that are going on in your life. For instance, if you’re researching material for a new project, you might find that reading needs to take center stage. On the other hand, during a writing conference, community will probably get the largest slice and the other pieces will shrink down to make room. Be flexible and tweak your DIY MFA Plan. No matter what challenges life throws your way, you’ll be able to keep writing.

  • The Creative Penn with Joanna Penn. Joanna starts the podcast on her own for half the episode and then continues with a guest for most of the episodes. This is a really good podcast to subscribe to if you’re looking for technical advice, specifically in indie publishing.

About the podcast:

Podcast episodes are posted every Monday and include interviews, inspiration and information on writing and creativity, publishing options, book marketing and creative entrepreneurship.

“I highly recommend listening to the podcasts by Joanna Penn. Her joyful, lovable style and positive attitude is addicting, and her interviews dive right into the meat of the matter.” Mark S. R. Peterson

“Just listening to you and your guests convinced me that it’s possible to be an author (not just a writer).” Jan Vermeer

  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast with Lindsay Buroker, Joseph Lallo and Jeffrey M. Poole. I absolutely adore this podcast! It’s wonderful for everyone in the fantasy and sci-fi genre and the guests are full of needed information. The banter between the three hosts is priceless and I will always tune in for a new show. The podcast is currently taking a short break.

About the podcast:

Lindsay Buroker  is a full-time independent fantasy author who loves travel, hiking, tennis, and vizslas. She grew up in the Seattle area but has itchy feet and moves every couple of years. She's currently living in Bend, Oregon.

Joseph Lallo, though having written several novels, is slow to consider himself an author. Educated at NJIT, where he earned a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, the world of Information Technology is where most of his bills are paid. When not crunching numbers, he owns and operates along with two friends. There he posts random rants and editorials regarding the world of humor, entertainment, and technology. He made his home in Bayonne, NJ, where he had lived all of his life until the success of his books allowed him to buy a home in Colonia, NJ. His novels and short stories are available via

Jeffrey M. Poole is a fantasy author that lives sunny Lake Havasu City, Arizona, with his wife Giliane, their Welsh Corgi, Keeley, and tabby cat, Argo. Jeff’s interests include archery, astronomy, archaeology, scuba diving, collecting movies, collecting swords, and tinkering with any electronic gadget he can get his hands on.

  • Kobo Writing Life Podcast with Chrissy Munroe and Stephanie McGrath. My favorite part of this podcast is that it is local to my city of Toronto. With that said, it features many international and local indie writers and has great advice for anyone in the indie publishing field.

About the podcast:

The Kobo Writing Life Podcast brings you insights and inspiration for growing your self-publishing business. We feature interviews with bestselling authors and industry experts, who share practical advice you can use to improve your writing and sell more books. Hosted by KWL's very own Chrissy Munroe and Stephanie McGrath, you'll also get the latest news and updates about Kobo and the KWL platform.

What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to? Connect with me and let me know!

Stay magical,
